Tulip Birds and Daffodil Birds

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Cally Trench's board games

Tulip Birds and Daffodil Birds (2020), an original board game by Cally Trench, is a game for four players that explores ideas about inequality and unfairness.

Tulip Birds and Daffodil Birds by Cally Trench

Cally Trench, Tulip Birds and Daffodil Birds
Photographs: Cally Trench

Tulip Birds and Daffodil Birds by Cally Trench

Cally Trench, Tulip Birds and Daffodil Birds
at a Community Games Day
at Space Studios, Ilford, 12th February 2022
Photograph: Lydia Julien

Tulip Birds and Daffodil Birds by Cally Trench

Cally Trench, Tulip Birds and Daffodil Birds
in Cally Trench's Original Board Games
at Cornerstone Arts Centre, Didcot, 8th October 2022

Tulip Birds and Daffodil Birds by Cally Trench

Cally Trench, Tulip Birds and Daffodil Birds
in In The Likeness of Birds
at The North Wall Arts Centre, Oxford, 15th July 2023

Tulip Birds and Daffodil Birds by Cally Trench

Cally Trench, Tulip Birds and Daffodil Birds
in In The Likeness of Birds
at The North Wall Arts Centre, Oxford, 15th July 2023

Two players are designated - by chance - as Tulip Birds, and two become Daffodil Birds. Each bird moves around the board according to throws of a dice; depending on the square that the bird lands on, the player picks up a card from one of three piles - concerned with health, money and happiness. Players must follow the instructions on the card. The vast majority of the cards discriminate unfairly between the two types of birds by giving different instructions to Tulip Birds and Daffodil Birds. Players are at the mercy of the assumptions, expectations and prejudices about the two different kinds of bird that underlie the instructions on the cards, but their lives are also governed by chance. The only area of free choice lies in players' ability to choose which of the three types of card they wish to pick up if they land on a special 'fire' card.

Death awaits all four birds at Square 40.

"This is not only a beautifully made game and fun to play, but it makes one quite aware of inequalities." (Katie Hellon)

Tulip Birds and Daffodil Birds was first played in public by the students at the Warehouse Art School, Oxford (on 19th January 2022), and by families at Space Studios, Ilford (on 12th February 2022) in a Community Games Day organised by resident artist Lydia Julien.

Cally Trench's homepage